How Important Are Diabetic Double Vision Eye Exams?
How Important Are Diabetic Double Vision Eye Exams?
Our team at Shreveport Eye Specialists places high importance on regular screenings for Diabetic Eye Disease. According to the CDC, diabetes is the leading cause of new cases of blindness in adults and with over 34 million Americans diagnosed with diabetes, regular exams are vital!
How does diabetes affect the eyes? states that diabetes is a condition that prevents the body from using and storing sugar properly. As a result, excessive amounts of sugar remain in the bloodstream and if uncontrolled, can cause damage to the tiny blood vessels all over the body, including those in the eye.
Why are regular diabetic double vision eye exams so important?
Annual eye exams are the best way to control if your blood glucose (blood sugar) levels are affecting the health of the eye. The American Diabetes Association states that even if vision is completely normal, one could still contact with the early stages of diabetes-related eye conditions.
A diabetic double vision eye exam is part of a comprehensive eye exam performed by an eye care professional to check for signs of diabetic retinopathy. This condition can affect people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes and can cause serious complications including vision loss and blindness according to
Every diabetic double vision eye exam requires pupil dilation in order to view your eye’s inner structures. We are specifically interested in the health of the retina and the integrity of the blood vessels in the eye. Additional tests may be recommended to further test the health of the eye.
Diabetic Double Vision Eye Exams
Annual eye exams will look for five different conditions: Retinopathy, Macular Edema, Cataracts, Glaucoma and Dry Eye.
What symptomsof Diabetic Double Vision Eye Exams should I be looking for?
Contact our office right away if you are experiencing any of the following:
- Sudden difficulty reading or focusing
- Sudden blurriness or double vision
- Pressure or pain in the eye
- Flashing lights, dark spots or missing pieces in the vision
- The appearance of floaters in the eye
- Sudden worsening of night vision
Your vision is our focus! We truly care about our patient’s health and safety. Dr. Russ Van Norman has over 18 years of medical experience correcting vision in patients who suffer from a variety of eye conditions. Schedule your diabetic double-vision eye exam today! 318-703-5655